Boo! Don't touch! Paws off! Crinum Latifolium is poisonous and has already been watered and fed. For everything else please use the toilet or the bin!

Boo! Don't touch! Paws off! Crinum Latifolium is poisonous and has already been watered and fed. For everything else please use the toilet or the bin!

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Saint Savior

Grand opera in 5 acts (finished posthumously)

Place and Time: Upper Bavaria and Lower Franconia in 20th and 21st century
Persons: Mother (soprano), boy Michael (tenor), play companions (soprano, alto), classmates (soprano, alto, baritone), young man Michael (tenor), teacher (soprano, alto, tenor, baritone, bass), organists (tenor, baritone), man Michael (tenor), music students (baritone, bass), professors (tenor, baritone, bass), fellow students (soprano, alto, tenor, baritone), singing teacher (tenor), supporters (soprano, tenor), adversaries (mute roles)

1st Act

Place and Time: Place of mother's residence in the eighties of the last century
Persons: Mother, boy Michael, play companions, classmates, teachers, adversaries

In dark winter evenings the boy Michael determines iron beat by hits on pots. By her play on a melodica the mother tries to maintain melodies of songs (aria Höre mit Sinn, was ich Dir sage). But just the sonorous boom of miscellaneous plastic buckets and after this the pulpy whistling tones of perforated oval earthenware, ocarina, soften the sense of the boy for the variety of other sounds (aria It ain't necessarily so). Several outgoings let the boy wonder about the diversity of the surrounding. Thereupon he investigates flora and fauna, wood and meadows, mountains and rocks, heaven and earth. At the exploration of the wood he doubts about forest management (terzet Darf Furcht im Herz des Weidmanns hausen). His lyrical singing is well rated by his school. In order to get a mark he rises up bravely from his seat in the classroom. (aria Vater, hör mich fleh'n zu Dir). By decision of the head with a pre-Christmas theater production of his primary school the tragical destiny of the Bremer city musicians shall be performed. According to his talent and compulsory school education the boy recites (aria O was ich mich betrübe).

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